10 Best Medical Student Publication Opportunities

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Why do we need medical student publication opportunities? A medical publication does make you a more competitive applicant. It is a concrete result of your previous accomplishment, a quantitative indicator of your performance as an undergraduate. For physicians and medical practitioners, getting published is frequently a step towards development in their careers. 

Medical breakthroughs and research are frequently published in medical journals, which are open to the public. Because of the exposure to a larger audience and the credibility associated with writers published in high-impact medical journals, most physicians choose to publish their research work in high-authority medical journals.  

Finding a study subject, performing research and collecting data, writing the manuscript, locating a journal, editing and formatting the article, and having it peer-reviewed are all steps in the process of getting a paper published in a journal.

To rank them, the impact factor and peer review process of trustworthy medical journals are employed. An impact factor represents the number of times articles in a journal have been referred to in a given year. Medical journals having a high impact factor have a larger impact on a certain branch of medicine.

List of Websites for Medical Student Publication Opportunities

If you’re new to publishing, try submitting your work to one of the best medical journals listed below, which welcomes submissions from students and residents.

1. The BMJ (formerly the British Medical Journal)

1. The BMJ (formerly the British Medical Journal)
  • Impact factor: 39.89
  • Reader ship: Unspecified 
  • The time it takes from acceptance to publishing: 48 days 
  • Focus Subject area: General Medicine 
  • Acceptance rate: 7%

Link:  https://www.bmj.com/about-bmj

All The original research from the BMJ is available entirely on bmj.com, with free access and no word count restrictions. The aim of the BMJ is to lead the health discussion by engaging, informing, and stimulating doctors, researchers, and other health professionals in ways that enhance patient outcomes. Its goal is to assist doctors in making better judgments. The BMJ publishes roughly one QI-related article for every issue.

2. Journal of Clinical Oncology 

2. Journal of Clinical Oncology 
  • Impact Factor: 44.544
  • Readership: 35000 member 
  • Time is taken from acceptance to publication: Unspecified 
  • Focus Subject area: Oncology 
  • Acceptance rate: 13%

Link: https://ascopubs.org/journal/jco/

The Journal of Clinical Oncology publishes some or better cancer research. It is a peer-reviewed clinical journal published three times a month by the American Society of Clinical Oncology. It covers research in all aspects of scientific oncology. All articles older than 12 months are undoubtedly user-friendly on the Internet.

3. New England Journal of Medicine 

3. New England Journal of Medicine 
  • Impact factor: 91.245
  • Readership: 600,000 globally per week 
  • Time is taken from acceptance to publication: Unspecified  
  • Focus Subject: General medicine 
  • Acceptance rate: 5%

Link: https://www.nejm.org/about-nejm/about-nejm

The New England Journal of Medicine reigns supreme among general medical journals. The Massachusetts Medical Society publishes it on a weekly basis. It is widely regarded as one of the most prestigious medical journals, as well as the oldest continuously published one.

4. The Lancet

4. The Lancet Medical Journal
  • Impact factor: 79.321
  • Readership: Unspecified 
  • Time taken from acceptance to publication: 4 to 8 weeks 
  • Focus subject: General medicine 
  • Acceptance rate: 5%

Link: http://www.thelancet.com/lancet-information-for-authors

This is the world’s oldest peer-reviewed medical journal. It is regarded as the Bible of medical practice and knowledge! The Lancet, as the name indicates, was founded in 1823 by a British 

surgeon. The Lancet has become a gold standard against which other publications are judged.

For Indian physicians, a year’s membership to The Lancet costs $293 USD.

5. Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) 

5. Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) 
  • Impact factor: 56.3
  • Readership: 277,000
  • Time taken from acceptance to publication: 25 days for online publication and 39 days for print journal. : 
  • Focus subject: General medicine 
  • Acceptance rate: 7% 

Link: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/pages/for-authors 

JAMA is published 48 times a year in print and online editions, with fresh content published online every weekday. All research publications are made available online for free six months after publication on the JAMA website, with no author costs. Furthermore, under the World Health Organization’s HINARI initiative, the online version is free or almost free to institutions in low- and middle-income countries.

6. Annals of Internal Medicine 

6. Annals of Internal Medicine Journal
  • Impact factor: 21.317
  • Readership: 159,000
  • Time taken from acceptance to publication: Unspecified 
  • Focus subject: General and internal medicine
  • Acceptance rate: 6-8% 

Link: https://www.acpjournals.org/journal/aimcc/about

The journal is published by the American College of Physicians (ACP) and contains medical articles, research, and reviews on the subject of internal medicine. It ranks fifth out of 150. It is essentially a monthly scholarly publication. It is very extensively read, as it publishes groundbreaking treatments and medicines for a wide range of illnesses. The papers are really beneficial to medical professionals.

For Indian medical professionals, the membership fees include print and online access are US $483 for a year’s access. Online access alone is the US $250 for a year’s access.

7. CA- A Cancer Journal for Clinicians 

7. CA- A Cancer Journal for Clinicians 
  • Impact factor: 508.702
  • Readership: 100,000
  • Time taken from acceptance to publication: Unspecified 
  • Focus subject; Oncology 
  • Acceptance rate: Unspecified 

Link: https://acsjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/15424863 

Wiley publishes a peer-reviewed biweekly publication for the American Cancer Society. It is primarily concerned with cancer research, diagnostics, and treatments. An editor reads and approves a pre-submission document that describes the abstract and outline of a manuscript before it is submitted. Its readership is varied, including doctors, radiation oncologists, and nurses.

8. Nature 

Nature Medical Journal
  • Impact factor: 42.778
  • Readership: Unspecified 
  • Time taken from acceptance to publication: Unspecified 
  • Focus subject: General medicine 
  • Acceptance rate: Unspecified 

Link: https://www.nature.com/ 

Nature is a weekly British scientific publication located in London, England. Nature, as a multidisciplinary journal, publishes peer-reviewed research from a wide range of academic fields, mostly in science, technology, and the natural sciences. This is usually regarded as one of the most reputable magazines in which to publish.

9. Cancer Cell 

Cancer cell medical journal
  • Impact factor: 31.74 
  • Readership: Unspecified 
  • Time taken from acceptance to publication: 3 months 
  • Focus subject: Oncology 
  • Acceptance rate: Unspecified 

Link: https://www.cell.com/cancer-cell/home  

The Cancer Cell Journal is a monthly peer-reviewed oncology journal published by Cell Press. Manuscripts about cancer biology and scientific breakthroughs in cancer detection and therapy are published. Li-Kuo Su is the editor-in-chief of the magazine, which was founded in February 2002.  Authors are expected to style their manuscripts according to the instructions provided.

10. World Psychiatry

10. World Psychiatry Medical Journal
  • Impact factor: 49.55 
  • Focus Subject: Psychiatry 

Link: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/20515545

World Psychiatry seeks to convey major psychological research discoveries to the world as the official publication of the World Psychiatric Organization. It is the World Psychiatric Association’s official publication. It is published by Wiley-Blackwell, and Mario Maj is the Editor-in-Chief. It is ranked first in the Psychiatry category, out of 156 journals, and first in the Social Sciences Citation Index category, out of 3,414 journals.

Bottom Line

So that concludes the discussion. These are the top ten medical publications in the world that should be in the library of every doctor and medical student. How many have you already signed up for?