10 Psychological Tricks To Read Someone’s Personality Like an Expert

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Let us take a little voyage into the mind of a singular individual for a time. As we enter this person’s head, we get a sense of their favorites, dislikes, fears, thoughts, habits, views, emotions, preferences, norms, ethics, and so on.

We have compiled 10 science-backed psychological tricks to read someone’s personality and improve your judgment skills.

We finally see them for who they truly are, without disguise or psychological trickery, and we wonder… about the signals their physical body leaves behind that will give us a profound, unguarded look into the depths of their brain.

The ability to read people has a big impact on how you interact with them. When you know how another person feels, you may tailor your message and communication style to ensure that it is received as effectively as possible.

What should you pay attention to, though? What additional clues can you look for to figure out what a person is thinking or feeling? It’s not that difficult. It may sound trite, but knowing how to read people does not need any particular abilities.

10 Psychological Tricks to Read Someone’s Personality 

So, here are some pointers on how to read people like an expert:

1. Recognize The Presence of Others

This is the whole amount of energy we emit, which isn’t always consistent with our words or actions. It’s the emotional environment, like a rain cloud or the sun, that surrounds us.

People notice as you read:

Do they have a welcoming presence that draws you in? Or are you feeling the creeps and need to back off?

2. Pay Attention to the Tone of Your Voice and The Way You Laugh

The loudness and tone of our voices may reveal a lot about our feelings. Vibrations are created by sound frequencies. Consider how the tone of a person’s speech impacts you when reading them. Consider this: does their voice have a calming effect on you? Is it harsh, snippy, or whining, for example?

3. Take Notice of How They Look

Try to observe people’s looks when reading others, suggests Judith Orloff M.D. What do they have on? Do they appear to be dressed for success, indicating that they are ambitious? Or are they dressed comfortably in jeans and a t-shirt? Do they wear a pendant that represents their spiritual ideals, such as a crucifix or a Buddha? You can detect something from anything they wear.

You should pay attention to “identification claims,” according to c, a personality psychologist at the University of Texas and author of the book Snoop.

Sam Gosling

These are items that individuals choose to display on their bodies, such as slogan t-shirts, tattoos, or rings.

4. Consider How a Handshake, Hug, or Touch Makes You Feel

Like an electrical current, we exchange emotional energy through physical contact. Consider this: Does a handshake or embrace make you feel warm, at ease, and confident? Or is it off-putting to the point that you want to leave? Are people’s hands clammy, as though they’re nervous? Or is it sluggish, implying a lack of commitment and timidity?

5. Keep an Eye on the People Around You

Our eyes communicate a great deal of energy. Studies show that the eyes produce an electromagnetic signal that extends outside the body, much as the brain does. Take some time to look into people’s eyes. Do they seem to be concerned? Attractive? Tranquil? Mean? Angry? Also, look to see whether they have someone at home in their gaze, which might indicate a capability for closeness. Or do they appear to be hidden or guarded?

6. Take Note of Their Footwear

We can deduce 90% of a person’s personality from their shoes, according to a study. Researchers from the University of Kansas conducted experiments and discovered that looking at someone’s shoes may reveal roughly 90% of their genuine personality – shoes can reveal a person’s emotions, political affiliation, wealth, gender, and even age.

7. Take Note of Their Body Language

People frequently inquire about the effectiveness of body language in interpreting others. And it turns out that your ability to effectively read people is nearly entirely determined by your ability to understand body language. People can read you just as easily as you can read them by observing their nonverbal signs.

When others view you from afar, such as when you enter a room, they get an impression of who you are. Even more than the words that come out of your lips, humans are hard-wired to understand non-verbal clues. Although the figures may fluctuate, the reality is that 90% of communication is nonverbal.

8. Be Impartial and Open-Minded while Making Decisions

You must first practice having an open mind before attempting to read others. Allowing your emotions and prior experiences to impact your perceptions and opinions is not a good idea. If you have an easy time judging individuals, you will misinterpret them. Approach every contact and situation with objectivity. 

“Logic alone won’t give you the complete stories about somebody,” writes Judith Orloff M.D. in Psychology Today. You must learn to understand essential nonverbal intuitive indications that others send-off by surrendering to other vital types of information.“

writes Judith Orloff M.D. in Psychology Today

“Remain impartial and accept information neutrally without distorting it,” she adds, in order to perceive someone properly.

9. To Receive an Honest Response, Ask Direct Questions

Avoid asking unclear inquiries if you want a direct response. Always ask inquiries that demand a direct response. Remember not to interrupt someone who is responding to your inquiry. Instead, you may watch the person’s body language as they speak.

Look for “action words” to obtain a sense of how someone thinks, according to INC: “If your supervisor says she’s “decided to go with brand X,” for example, the action word is determined. This single term suggests that your supervisor is most likely 

1) not hasty, 

2) has considered various choices, and 

3) thinks things through… “Action words reveal a person’s mental processes.”

10. Pay Attention To What Your Intuition Is Telling You

Listen to your gut feelings, especially when meeting someone for the first time. It will cause a visceral response before you have time to think about it. If you’re at ease with the individual, your intuition will tell you.

“Gut emotions emerge immediately, a primitive response,” says Judith Orloff, M.D. They’re your personal truth detector, determining whether or not you can trust others.”


Reading people is a fantastic skill to have, and it’s a lot of fun picking up on signals that people aren’t even aware they’re sending out. Your personal connections should improve as you develop your ability to read people, and you’ll even be able to change your body language in specific situations to ensure you’re giving the proper signals.