Post embolization Syndrome: All You Need to Know About it

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This article is about post embolization syndrome. The post embolization syndrome is related to the liver or uterine fibroid but doesn’t get confused because any kind of disorder related to the liver or uterine fibroid is not that. Most probably the symptoms are very common flu-like illnesses.

This article might be useful for you because maybe any family member, relatives, and friends may be suffering from post embolization syndrome. It’s good to get know-how about anything, especially health-related diseases.

You will get all the important and relevant points related to post embolization syndrome in this article.

What is post embolization syndrome?

Post-embolization syndrome (PES) is characterized by fever, abdominal pain, and leukocytosis after embolization of hepatic tumors and is likely induced by an inflammatory response to necrotic tissue.

In spite of the benign nature of post embolization syndrome, it has been suggested that this entity indicates a more critical prognosis. 

Symptoms of post embolization syndrome

The condition involves a common type of symptoms. Post embolization syndrome regularly occurs within the first 72 hours after hard organ embolization regularly settles on its own within a week such as that of liver lesions or uterine fibroids.

The symptoms of post embolization syndrome are often self-limiting and abate over time. The symptoms are; 

  • Low-grade fever
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting 
  • Pain 
  • Infection (maybe) 

Causes of post embolization syndrome

It is proposed that post embolization syndrome is caused by tissue infarction and necrosis, leading to the detachment of malfunction products like inflammatory mediators, and vasoactive substances from the embolized tissue.

Embolization of larger tumors/fibroids/organs may grow the probability of post embolization syndrome. 

Management of post embolization syndrome

Postembolization syndrome is a usual unfavorable event defined as fever without associated sepsis, pain in the right upper quadrant, and nausea and/or vomiting.

It is necessary to transform post embolization syndrome from infection and tumor lysis syndrome since these need separate management.

The appearance and cruelty of post embolization syndrome cannot be prophesied in any specific patient.

Effectual precautions and management of post embolization syndrome are important to fast patient recovery and upgrade patient satisfaction, also the essence of life. The management includes; 

  • Intra-arterial lidocaine 
  • Wrist-ankle acupuncture
  • Antibiotics
  • 5-HT 3 receptor antagonists. 
  • Oral and intravenous analgesics
  • Steroids

Risk factors of post embolization syndrome

Postembolization syndrome is the most common adverse event. It is believed to result from therapeutic cytotoxicity, tumor ischemia, and following intrahepatic and extrahepatic inflammation and is manifested by fever, malaise, right upper quadrant pain, nausea, and vomiting.

Treatment of post embolization syndrome

Supportive treatment is given including the use of analgesia and IV fluids where needed. The condition is usually self-limiting. Preventative use of an antipyretic and antiemetic treatment may be considered prior to embolization of large tumors/ fibroids. 


Post embolization is associated with fever, pain, nausea, and vomiting. It is usually caused by tissue infarction and necrosis and most probably occurs 48 to 72 hours after liver or uterine fibroid procedure. Precautions and management are most important.

The health care provider will give supportive treatment. The management includes; antibiotics, steroids, analgesics, etc.