Say Goodbye To Obesity With POSE (Primary Obesity Surgery Endoluminal)
Thanks to modern-day technologies, you can now get in shape and say bye to obesity with POSE (Primary Obesity Surgery Endoluminal). Although we have said goodbye to the long-lasting taboo of obesity. But let’s be honest, who doesn’t like being fit and healthy? The current report portrays the Primary Obesity Surgery Endoluminal (POSE) system, perioperative consideration, and 1-year wellbeing and weight reduction results for a single community.
Obesity is at pandemic extents and expanding. Some diets and plans have now become a popular trend but are one time-consuming procedure. Bariatric surgeries have exhibited preferred sturdy weight reduction over diet and exercise; notwithstanding, the danger may restrict reception of these systems. Endoscopic techniques may offer less chance, lower cost, and agreeable outcomes, however, restricted wellbeing and result information are accessible.
All About Primary Obesity Surgery Endoluminal
Primary obesity surgery endoluminal (POSE) is an endoscopic method that includes an arrangement of gastric transmural plications in the fundus and pre-antral territory to trigger prior physiologic feeling to being full and less craving.
Primary obesity surgery endoluminal (POSE) is a promising strategy for weight reduction medical procedures since it is outpatient, is incisions, and has short recuperation time. The POSE methodology is said to be a likely alternative for bariatric patients.
Aim Of Primary Obesity Surgery Endoluminal
The point of this methodology is to decrease the size of the stomach and assists with reducing hunger cravings.

It is a non-surgical weight reduction endoscopic method which is performed by adaptable endoscopy to experience the mouth and into the stomach to diminish the size of the stomach.
Method Of Primary Obesity Surgery Endoluminal
Posture is performed through an endoscope, that is, it is done through a particular tube that is embedded through your mouth. This activity on POSE shows how the size of the stomach is made smaller. This decreases the food you can eat and you start to feel full even with a modest quantity of food along with low craving levels.
Why Was Primary Obesity Surgery Endoluminal Needed?
After three to five years of gastric surgeries or a medical gastric bypass procedure, a few patients begin to recover weight because the size of their stoma or their stomach pocket itself has expanded.
To determine this issue, specialists utilize new careful tools to make and stitch folds into the pocket, lessening its volume and at the stoma to diminish its width. The specialist plays out the system totally through the mouth – embeddings an endoscope under substantial sedation – so there are no outside cuts into the body.
Who Is Suitable For Primary Obesity Surgery Endoluminal?
- Candidates at or above the age of 18 years.
- Candidates at or under the age of 55 years.
- Candidates who have always struggled to lose weight with diet and exercise.
- Candidates having a Body Mass Index (BMI) of range 30 to 35

Study Support
Essential primary treatment of obesity utilizing endoluminal approaches are being created and early outcomes are empowering. According to a performed task, an analysis was sketched of a total of 20 patients on whom POSE was performed under general anesthesia. They were kept for evaluation from March 2011 to November 2011.
The results were fine. All the patients went through a successful POSE surgery. 12 out of 8 were kept in for a day under speculation while the rest 8 were sent home the very day. One patient did complain of hematemesis post procedure but the bleeding was under control and stopped after gastroscopy.
Post Primary Obesity Surgery Endoluminal Care
Whenever your body undergoes surgery or a medical procedure, it demands extra care. Likewise, after your primary obesity endoluminal care (POSE) you need to consider a few Dos and Don’ts. Let’s have a look at them.
Dos After Primary Obesity Surgery Endoluminal (POSE)
- Proper water intake in between your meals.
- Have a liquid-based diet for the next 2 weeks of your surgery.
- Eat mushy food for the next 3-4 weeks of your surgery.
- Chew properly, eat slowly.
- Take small bites.
- Say goodbye to in-between-meal snacks.
- Divide your meals into three portions only: breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
- Exercise and follow portion control.
Don’ts After Primary Obesity Surgery Endoluminal (POSE)
- Do not switch to a non-liquid diet for the first two weeks post surgery.
- Say goodbye to fizzy drinks.
- Eat less sugar or sugar-based foods.
- Do not snack in between.
- Do not consume starch based vegetables.
- Count your calories. Know your calorie intake.
- Don’t overeat.
- Do not eat until you are hungry.
- Avoid bakery items.
Other Things To Remember
- Do not eat and drink at the same time.
- Avoid drinking water soon after your meal.
- Do not miss any meal, it makes you crave unhealthy foods.
- Eat slowly. Take your time to chew food properly.
- Follow a low-fat, low-calorie diet.
For more, hear it from an experienced patient. Click here.
Common FAQs
1. Why POSE?
- No scars or cuts
- A healthier way of weight loss as you can resume work and exercise soon after.
- Outpatient methodology,
- Lessens hunger drive
- Help accomplish weight loss
2. How Long Will It Take To See Results?
Typically. After four weeks visible difference in weight and body type is noticed. However, each person is different so the result and duration may vary from body to body.
3. For How Long Will I Have To Stay In The Hospital After POSE?
You can be discharged on the same day if no other medical health conditions are observed.
4. Can I Look Forward To Pregnancy Post POSE?
It is advisable that you wait for at least 18 months after your POSE surgery.
5. Any Risks I Should Look Out For?
Normally, POSE can cause nausea or sore throat.