SWAT UET Overseas PH.D. Scholarships 2021

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Overseas Ph.D. Scholarships are available through the Faculty Development Program at the University of Engineering and Technology Swat (UET Swat). The SWAT UET will finance the chosen candidates’ complete Ph.D. studies at a US university. Pakistani/AJK nationals with KP addresses are eligible to apply for an overseas Ph.D. scholarship. These scholarships are only open to Ph.D. students at US universities. Applications are to be submitted online at the Swat UET website.

The deadline to apply for the Swat University of Engineering and Technology Overseas Ph.D. scholarship is March 8, 2021. Academic merit, an aptitude test, and a subject expert interview will be used to make the final decision. All qualified applicants will be given jobs at SUET if they complete their Ph.D. programme successfully.

SUET subject to the successful completion of their Ph.D.

SUET Overseas Ph.D. Scholarship Eligibility Criteria

  • Pakistani National/AJK nationals having KP Domiciles
  • Must have a minimum of 18 years of education with MS/MPhil/Equivalent degree for Ph.D. admission in relevant field
  • Must have a first division (in the annual examination system) or CGPA 3.0 out of 4.0 or 4.0 out of 5.0 in the final degree
  • Maximum two send divisions and no third division throughout academic career
  • The maximum age on closing date must be 35 years for all applicants
  • Must obtain a minimum of 50 marks in SUET Aptitude Test
  • Must have obtained requisite qualification on or before the closing date i.e. March 08, 2021
  • Those who are availing of any other scholarship are not eligible to apply for the SUET overseas Ph.D. Scholarship

How to apply for SUET Overseas Ph.D. Scholarship

SUET Overseas Ph.D. scholarship application can be submitted through the following procedure.

  • Applicants can submit an online application via SUET e-portal i.e. http://www.suet.edu.pk
  • Original online deposit slip or ATM transfer slip of Rs: 500/- (non-refundable) as application processing fee in favor of project director, SUET must be uploaded on SUET e-portal. The fee can be deposited in the UBL Account through any bank.

Important Note

  • SUET Overseas Ph.D. Scholarships are offered in the following areas:
    • Electrical Engineering
    • Civil Engineering
    • Bio-Medical Engineering
    • Computer System Engineering/Data Analytics/Artificial Intelligence
    • Engineering Management/Manufacturing/Industrial Engineering
    • Materials, Mining, and Metallurgy
  • Applicants are considered on the following basis
    • Academic Merit of the candidate
    • Aptitude Test
    • Interview by Subject Expert
  • Applicants are required to fill in the information through the online application process. The request for the amendment will not be entertained after the submission of the online application.
  • SUET Overseas Ph.D. Scholarship merit lists will be prepared on the basis of online data/information provided by the applicant. In case any information is found to be untrue/misrepresentation at any state, the application process will be terminated
  • The candidate will have to secure admission to the US University with whom SUET has signed an agreement
  • Awardees will have to execute a bond with HED and SUET to serve the same university for five years after completion of the study.