Art Schools In Pakistan
Struggling to find which art school in Pakistan is better for you? Or if you should go to an art school at all? Well, if you find art soothing and soulful, you better choose art as your career regardless of whether you “know” it or not. Doing something just for the sake of its scope is old school. People now pursue careers in education or programs that they enjoy learning and doing.
In Pakistan, art is underrated. Whenever a child wants to pursue his degree in arts, people come at him with “aray ismay tou paisa he nahi hai” “haan side hobby sahi hai, job kya karoge lekin?”. Little do they know how well respected and reputable career scope Arts have.
This article covers a list of the top best art schools in Pakistan along with a list of reasons as per why you should consider an Arts career.
List Of Art Schools In Pakistan
Art as a profession and not a hobby is the new world’s thought. There is nothing worse than the combination of Pakistan and Arts.Its high time we put aside the taboo of how educational fields can only lead to a successful career. How being a doctor, engineer, architect, or a businessman are counted as reputable careers.
The below-mentioned universities are a result of “finding the best art school in Pakistan” and a safe house for the most imaginative and creative young people in Pakistan, who trust in thinking outside the box and are dominating in their professions post-graduation.
1. National College Of Arts (NCA)
About The School
Situated in Lahore, National College of Arts. initially known as the Mayo School of Arts, was established in 1875. It is one of the oldest art schools in Pakistan located in Lahore. This university has produced a number of finest artists, architects, painters, and has recently started its business in the media field of producers, directors, and musicians. It is one of the top art schools in Pakistan.
Admission Requirements
Candidate apply for admission must meet the following requirements:
- 12 years of education
- F.A./FSc./A-Level or equivalent with 45% marks at minimum
- Students with third division are not eligible
- Clear NCA examination and interview
- Applicants awaiting results can apply on the basis of first year intermediate results
Examination Criteria
College admission tests are held all over Pakistan in every province. Here’s a little about the examination:
- Department of Fine Arts/Faculty of Design: need to clear drawing and aptitude tests with high-grade marks.
- Department of Architecture: need to clear mathematics, drawing, and aptitude tests with high-grade marks.
- Department of Musicology/Cultural Studies/Film and Television: need to clear respective departmental aptitude tests with high-grade marks.

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2. Beacon National University (BNU)
About The School
Situated in Lahore, Beaconhouse National University was established by Mrs. Kasuri in 2003. There are many programs offered at BNU for instance; fine arts, humanities, business and management sciences, and engineering. It also caters foreign students from Nepal, Iran,Bhutan, Russia, UK, USA, and China. It is one of the top best arts schools in Pakistan.
Admission Requirements
Candidate apply for admission must meet the following requirements:
- FA / FSc. cleared with 2nd division.
- O’levels cleared with at least 6 subjects for international students along with 3 A’levels.
- O’levels cleared with at least 8 subjects for local students along with 3 A’levels.
- BS CS / SE with a minimum of 50% marks in intermediate.
- Applicants awaiting results can apply on the basis of first-year intermediate results
Examination Criteria

Fee Structure

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3. Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture (IVS)

About The School
One of the most popular art institutes of Karachi, Pakistan, Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture was established in 1989. It has been teaching art and architect to a number of students ever since. Amongst the many programs offered by IVS, top best offered are the following programs:
- 5 year degree program in architecture
- 4 year degree program in interior design
- 4 year degree program in fine arts
- 4 year degree program in textile
- 4 year degree program in communication design
Admission Requirement
Candidate apply for admission must meet the following requirements:
- Intermediate with C grade (50% marks).
- A-level grade equivalent to 50% marks of intermediate.
- Applicants awaiting results can apply on the basis of first year intermediate results
Examination Criteria
Candidates need to clear two round of aptitude in order to secure their admission in IVS:
- IVS Admission Portfolio consist of Short descriptive answers and Visualization and Creativity
- Interview
An equal mark ratio of both with be considered i.e. 50% IVS Admission Portfolio and 50% Interview.
Fee Structure

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4. Karachi School of Art (KSA)
About The School
Situated in Karachi, Karachi school of arts was founded and established in 1964 by Rabia Zuberi and has been educating incredibly talented people ever since. The purpose of its establishment was to pave a path for people who want to pursue an arts career along with educating the world about arts. It is one of the most reputable arts schools of Pakistan. The school has a lot to offer:
- A four year bachelor’s degree in design and media arts.
- A four year bachelor’s degree in textile.
- Four year professional diplomas in fine arts, communication design, textile design, etc.
Admission Requirement
Candidate apply for admission must meet the following requirements:
- Matriculation / Intermediate with at least 45% marks.
- O-levels / A-levels qualification equivalent to 45%.
- Applicants awaiting results can apply on the basis of first-year intermediate results
Examination Criteria
Candidates need to clear two round of aptitude in order to secure their admission in KSA:
- KSA Admission Portfolio consists of two sections: practical and written.
- Interview. Recommended that you bring a portfolio of work with you
- An equal mark ratio of both with being considered i.e. 50% KSA Admission Portfolio and 50% Interview.
Fee Structure

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5. Hunerkada College of Visual and Performing Arts

About The School
Situated in Lahore, Hunerkada College of Visual and Performing Arts was established in 1992 by a well-known artist of Pakistan, Jamal Shah. It was founded on the aims of Jamal Shah to share his skills, abilities, and knowledge with the youth. It is now considered as one of the top art schools in Pakistan. It offers different courses in painting, music, photography, etc.
Admission Requirement
Candidate apply for admission must meet the following requirements:
- Cleared FA / FSc with at least 45% marks
- O-levels / A-levels qualification equivalent to 45%.
- No 3rd division in matric or equivalent will be accepted.
Examination Criteria
Candidates need to clear two round of aptitude in order to secure their admission in Hunerkada College:
- Hunerkada Drawing Test
- Interview. Recommended that you bring a portfolio of work with you
An equal mark ratio of both with be considered.
Fee Structure

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Scope Of Arts In Pakistan
Jobs After Arts Degree In Pakistan
Once you have done your bachelors in Art, you can work as either of the following in Pakistan:
- Commercial Photographer
- Painter
- Creative Writer
- 3D Artist
- Production Artist
- Sculptor
- Drawing Teacher
- Fashion Consultant
- Producer Designer
- Sculptor
- Movie Maker
Salary Scope
The beginning salary of arts degree occupations pay in Pakistan is 40,000 to 90,000 month to month. The proportion of arts students of the female is more than the proportion of the male. Being an Art educator / teacher is the top profession for females for ladies in Pakistan. They appreciate finding out about ceramics, interior design, painting, and animation.
How To Find Art Jobs In Pakistan
There are various methods to look for a job.
1. Google Jobs
Go to Google and type “Art jobs In Pakistan”. Be specific if you are looking for a specific city.
Now if you want to be specific about the time duration too, select tool, then click on “any time”
2. Another way could be through magazines
Bottom Line
You can work on radio, TV and other web-based media channels. Learning through and about arts improves the experience of considering while at school just as planning understudies for life after school. One of the principal benefits of seeking a BA or BS Fine Arts in Pakistan is that there are numerous choices just after graduation. BS Fine Arts Scope in Pakistan is uncommon. If you have the ability, skills, and creativity you are quickly extended employment opportunities in various fields. Arts subjects empower self-articulation and innovativeness and can construct certainty just as a feeling of individual personality.