Shortness of breath or SOB medically refers to Dyspnea. In medical terms, Dys means short or difficult and pnea means breathing.
Normally, a healthy individual breathes (breath in and out) 18 to 20 times a minute. Below or above this rate is considered abnormal breaths which leads to many parameters including retention of carbon dioxide known as “HYPERCAPNIA”.
This is very dangerous and insufficiency of oxygen at the tissue level means no perfusion and oxygen is not supplied to tissues resulting in tissue necrosis known as “HYPOXIA”.
Moreover, insufficiency of oxygen in the blood vessel or oxygen deficiency at the blood level means 0 perfusions at the alveolar level known as “HYPOXEMIA”. It is a death threat and in some cases, if not treated the right way, can be a death-causing reason.
SOB mains refer to tightening, breathlessness, and suffocation. It is a signal of many dangerous health issues.
This is the most uncomfortable condition because the air we breathe can’t get into the lungs properly. It leads to numerous death-threatening illnesses including diseases of muscles and nervous system breakdown.
This condition is also caused by neuronal dysfunction. Defects in receptors like chemoreceptors, mechanoreceptors, and lung receptors also lead to Shortness of breath. Mismatching of signals is the leading cause that results in dyspnea which includes afferent and efferent signaling.
These receptors also help in signaling the brain for the need for oxygen by the tissues and also signal the respiratory muscles due to insufficiency they also get fatigued and lead to poor or loss of action in severe conditions.
Types of SOB
Shortness of breath is classified into 2 types:
-• Acute or sudden Dyspnea
-• Chronic or long-term Dyspnea
Acute Dyspnea:
The type of dyspnea starts suddenly within minutes and ends in a short period of time. These episodes have less duration. This comes with a warning signal from an upcoming disease. Sometimes it is an allergic reaction too or due to anxiety or tension. It occurs sometimes with fever, rash, and cough (dry or with mucus).
Chronic Dyspnea:
Type of Dyspnea which is a part of your daily routine and you don’t recognize thame alarm. This condition continues with your everyday lifestyle like exercising, standing, sitting, talking, walking, laughing, or climbing stairs like normal days and feeling out of breath. It happens due to illness rising inside either your lungs or heart which is not letting the required amount of air enter your air sacs. This gets worse with physical activity.
Most people suffer from this at night, when sleeping, lying in a supine position, talking, or doing any muscular activity like exercise, running, jogging or climbing stairs.
What causes shortness of breath?
This condition gives rise to many dangerous diseases, for example:
- Asthma
- Heart failure
- Interstitial lung diseases
- Pneumothorax
- Anemia
- TB
- Inhalation injury
- Lung cancer
- Anxiety
- Fibrosis
- Low blood pressure
- Stenosis
- Arrhythmias
- Hypercapnia
- Hypoxia
- Hypoxemia
And multiple diseases are the causes of SOB.
In some cases, like normal individuals it is due to:
- Cold
- Flu
- Anxiety
- Places with higher altitudes and lower oxygen levels
- Allergic reactions
- Carbon monoxide poisoning
- Anaphylactic reactions
- Obesity
- Nasal congestion
- Panic attacks
- Phobias
- History of years of smoking
Here are some symptoms, diagnosis, possible
SYMPTOMS of Shortness of Breath:-
SOB is one of the most common cause of heart and lung illnesses which is followed by these signs :
- Anxiety
- Chest pain / tightness
- Cough
- Dizziness
- Vertigo / fainting
- Forced breathing
- Wheezing
- Pain in breathing
- Sputum or blood with cough
- Cyanosis
- Altered mental status
- Hypoxemia
- Confusion
Not just sick but healthy people can also get difficulty in breathing; being over weight, aerobic exercise, being in a place with insufficient air or working in an area exposed to particles like asbestosis which leads to this kind of condition.
How is it Diagnosed?
Diagnosis of SOB is associated with the underlying cause. Whether it’s any phobia, suffocated place, or anxiety.
You can get it diagnosed by yourself like,
- If you’re having chest tightening or suffocation being in a specific place or anxiety try to come out of it
- If you’re having pain in breathing with a bloody cough and episodes of chest pain (mild or stabbing) then rush towards the pulmonologist
- If you’ve any disorder or dysfunction going on
- Any clue regarding any heart or lung disease. Get it treated!
Multiple tests are also helpful in the diagnosis of Shortness of Breath. This includes blood sample testing like; D-diamer, natriuretic peptide levels, and kidney function failure.
Imaging tests are also useful followed by blood tests in confirming various diseases like pneumothorax, fluid in the lungs, enlargement of the heart or any cancerous cell, and what is the cause behind this condition of dyspnea. It also rules out hidden underlying causes. Such tests are:
- Computerized Tomography ( CT ) Scans
- Chest X – ray
How can you treat SOB?
As the cause of SOB is treated, this difficulty gets well.
The treatment contains either medicines including opioids like; nebulized opioids and acting or sustained opioids or treated by therapies like
- Oxygen Therapy
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Chest Physical Therapy
And many home-based exercises and corrections of positions like:
- Sitting straight and forward
- Standing with a supported back or arms
- Sleeping in a relaxed position
- Other changes in lifestyle
Take Away!
SOB can be a warning signal to many life-threatening problems and needs to be treated without delays. In most cases shortness of Breath is a sign of many hidden, elevating, or upcoming heart or lung-related diseases or forwarding death-causing disorders. In order to prevent these disorders SOB must be treated as soon as possible.