Application Of Statistics In The Medical Field

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The application of statistics in the medical field is specifically termed biostatistics. Biostatistics or biometry is the branch of science that deals with the statistical method and processes utilized for the analysis of biological phenomena.

What is biostatistics?

The discipline of biostatistics covers the study of biological experiments and reading the collection, summarization, and evaluation of data from those experiments. Biostatistics  also involves the formation  and application of the most suitable methods for the 

  • Compilation of data.
  •   Demonstration of the assembled data. 
  •  Evaluation and perception of the results. 
  •  Making judgments on the principle of such analysis

Biostatistics can also be defined as a sub-branch of statistics that assesses in management of medical uncertainties and is mainly concerned with mathematical facts and data related to biological events.

Biostatistics covers contributions and applications not only from medicines, health, and nutrition but also from other fields like epidemiology, genetics, etc. Biostatistics usually comprise of following basic steps formation of a hypothesis, collection of data, and application of statistical analysis.

application of statistics in the medical field

Role of biostatistics

The ultimate objective of biostatistics is to improve the health and quality of life of individuals within a community or population. The main role of biostatistics  are as follows:

  • To diagnose the disease and treatment strategy with an estimation of its effects.
  • To determine risk factors of disease
  • Design, monitor, evaluate, interpret, and record the results of clinical studies.
  • Measure, locate and explain the extent of disease.
  • Develop statistical methods to give satisfactory answers to the questions that arise from public health data

Application of biostatistics in the medical field

Biostatistics has numerous applications as science specifically in the field of medicine. Its applications in medicines are briefly explained as follows

1. In physiology and anatomy

Biostatistics is used to find the ranges of normality in variables such as weight and pulse rate etc in a population. It also helps to define the correlation between two variables such as height and weight. 

2. In pharmacology

Biostatistics is used to compare the action of two different drugs or two successive dosages of the same drug. It is also utilized to assess the relative potency of a new drug with respect to standard drugs.

3. In medicine

Biostatistics has multiple uses in medicines such as comparing the efficacy of a particular drug by assessing the percentage cured, dead, or alive in experiment and control groups.

It is then compared and the difference is evaluated by applying statistical techniques. statistical methods are also applied to find an association between two attributes such as hypertension and diabetes.

4. In modern medicine

From analyzing data to determining the type and need of treatment during clinical trials, Biostatistics has played an integral role in modern medicine. Biostatistics helps to generate the facts and information on basis of statistical data like heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in America. Such types of outcomes are based on research-based statistical data and evaluations.

5. In clinical medicine

Biostatistics is used as a tool in clinical medicine for the documentation of the history of medical disease, designing, and planning of conduction of clinical trials, assessing the merits and demerits of different procedures and methodologies.

6. In preventive medicine

Biostatistics is involved to introduce and promote health legislation. Moreover, it helps to find out the actual reason underlying the reason and evaluate the success ate of the health programs introduced in the community.

Role of biostatistics in the evaluation and in health planning

Biostatistics mainly covers biological sciences specifically from the field of medicines and public health. Biostatistical methods are used for planning, conducting, and analyzing data that comes into being from branches of medicine and public health.

It deals with the summarization and interpretation of data to get valid and reliable conclusions and also analyze the positive or negative outcomes positive or negative outcomes of health programs or policies in a community. 

Biotechnology is one of the most important domains covered by biostatistics. From genetic modification of plants and animals to gene therapy, reproductive therapy, medicine, and drug manufacturing, and even energy production.

In all situations, analysis is carried out by generating something and assessing whether or not it includes the desired operation, and determining performance involves statistical analysis of results.

Applications of biostatistics in community medicine and public health

The role of biostatistics in community medicine and public health can be highlighted and summarized in the following key points.

  • To assess the potency of antibodies and vaccines in the field.  
  • In demographical and epidemiological studies, the position of original factors is statistically verified. 
  •  To test whether the variation between two populations is true or a chance incident.
  •  To survey the interrelationship between traces in the same population.  
  • To measure morbidity and fatality. 
  •  To evaluate performances of public health programs.  
  • To establish priorities in public health programs. 
  •  To help develop health regulation and initiate administrative measures for oral health.
  • It cooperates in the collection of data, drawing conclusions, and generating orders for graduates of medicine/dentistry
  •  By reviewing the structures in biostatistics a student learns to seriously evaluate articles reported in therapeutic and dental journals or papers read in medical and dental conferences.  
  • To understand the essential methods of measurement in clinical practice and research.

Applications of biostatistics in environmental sciences

Biostatistics in  Environmental science involves a lot of types of investigation. It gives baseline studies to record and document the existing state of a surrounding to present background in the situation of unexplained variations in the future.

It enables the researchers to perform targeted studies to illustrate the likely impact of changes being designed or of unexpected occurrences and ultimately leads to regular monitoring to pursue to identify changes in the environment.

Applications of biostatistics in nutrition

Biostatistics, which can be described as the handling of establishing scientific inferences from data that contain uncertainty, becomes historically played an intrinsic role in developing nutritional systems. in the age of systems, biology statistics has become a progressively powerful weapon to quantitatively analyze information about biomolecules.

 Over the preceding 2 decades, there have been revolutionary advancements in history science technologies represented by high throughput, significant efficiency, and fast calculation. 

Nutritionists now have good opportunities and leading techniques for the judgment of DNA, RNA, amino acid, protein, low- molecular-weight metabolites, as well as an approach to bioinformatics databases.

Appropriate statistical evaluations are supposed to produce an effective input to dealing with major nutrition-linked complications in individuals and beasts

  •  Obesity
  •  Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Cancer
  • Ageing
  •  Intrauterine growth retardation).

Applications of biostatistics in genetics

Genetics  Statistics and Human Genetics are twin studies, including spread with the century together, and there are many correlations between the two.

Some major aspects in specific the approach of Analysis of Fluctuation, first derived in Human Genetics, while demographic and statistical methods are now fundamental to many situations of analysis of challenges in human genetics

The most prevalent field where one can notice large functions of statistical practices in human genetics is 

  •  Human Genome Project 
  •  Linkage Analysis 
  •  Sequencing

Applications of biostatistics in dental sciences

In dental sciences, biostatistics has its own dominant role that proves it to be an essential tool in overall medical science. It serves to detect the statistical distinction between the means of the two groups.

Ex: Mean dental sensitivity scores of two groups. . It helps to assess the state of oral health in the community and to decide the opportunity and application of dental care facilities.

Biostatistics tends to express the necessary aspects ruling the state of oral health by recognizing the community and uncovering solutions to such problems. It helps to make decisions about the accomplishment or collapse of unique oral health care programs or to figure out the program operation.

Moreover, it leads to improving oral health constitution and shaping administrative standards for oral health care distribution.

Application of biostatistics in the medical field

As we mentioned previously that biostatistics or statics in medical fields stands for the same meanings. Both terms are interchangeable so don’t get confused between these terms.

In this article, we mainly focused on the applications of statistics in the medical field. Its applications vary from biomedical lab analysis to clinical medicine to health promotion, to social and universal policies of health care to medicine and the health sciences, involving clinical research, forensic medicine, epidemiology, and public health.

1. In health care system

In the healthcare system, researchers used the scientific method to collect data on samples of the human population. This data was used by healthcare organizations to get knowledge about the variety of phenomena such as the most prevailing diseases in a particular society or mortality rate due to any particular disease.

Moreover, biostatistics enables healthcare organizations to know about consumer market characteristics such as sex, age, income, and disabilities. Biostatistics is utilized to predict the type of services used by people and determine the level of care affordable to them. 

2. Resource issuance

Resource issuance is another important application of statistics in the medical field. Valid Statistical information helps in resource allocation by determining several key facts about resources  and reducing the risk of healthcare trade-offs, such as 

  • Which type of resources are utilized to produce goods and services?
  • What is the most appropriate combination of goods and services that need to produce?
  • What type of community, it should be served?

3. Quality enhancer

Biostatistics plays a significant role in the medical field because it enables healthcare organizations to measure performance success or failure. Healthcare suppliers make efforts to develop effective goods and services. 

Quality improvement managers can measure feature results by building standards of service excellence or by building benchmarks. Statistical data collected over time displays the overall growth and ability to show more growth of a healthcare organization or company  

4. Product development

Statistical analysis has a major role in the innovation and development of new pharmaceutical products. Innovations and modifications in medicines start and end with statistical analysis.

In clinical trials of new technologies and treatments, data is collected and reported to analyze product benefits in comparison to its risks. Statistics tend to influence the pricing of products indirectly by defining consumers ’demand in the most appropriate units. 

5. Provide assessment

Statistical data provides assessment to public and private health care workers and organizations who are responsible to provide continuous care to a diverse population and compare the existing services to community needs. 

A biostatistical analysis is a key factor in need assessment. Biostatistics plays a significant role in technological and pharmaceutical companies in establishing the product lines that meet the requirement of the community, they served.

6. In the research field

Biostatistics deals with human health and statistical data so it enables the researchers to analyze data from medical experiments, design studies, determine what data to collect, help illustrate the outcomes of the evaluations, and participate in creating essays to report the results of the medicinal investigation.

Biostatistics helps analysts make understanding the data gathered to decide whether an operation is running or to get aspects that contribute to diseases. Medical statisticians plan and analyze examinations to diagnose the legitimate causes of health issues as recognizable from chance fluctuation.

Importance of biostatistics in medical and health science

Data collection is one of the most essential factors that help to determine the future of public health and health sciences. The collection of statistical data allows the medical practitioner and researchers to detect health problems, observe patterns and trends in health status, and assess the influence of health programs and policies. Statistical methods are developed and applied to

  • Population growth
  • Disease detection
  • Treatment
  • Genomics research
  • Drug development
  • Clinical trials
  • Screening and prevention
  • Assessment of rehabilitation
  • Measure recovery time
  • Determine the quality of life


The discipline of biostatistics covers the study of biological experiments and reading the collection, summarization, and evaluation of data from those experiments. Biostatistics covers contributions and applications not only from medicines, health, and nutrition but also from other fields like epidemiology, genetics, etc.

Biostatistics usually comprise of following basic steps formation of a hypothesis, collection of data, and application of statistical analysis.

Bio-statistical approaches can guarantee that the results found in such an investigation are not simply because of chance. 

In every event of our life, Statistics plays a crucial role in better income and valid results. A well-designed and properly controlled study is an underlying prerequisite to reaching authentic conclusions.