There is a very famous quote that states “An individual can cross an ocean without wetting his feet but it is impossible for a human being to live a life without wetting his eyes”
When a newborn opens his eyes in this world he only knows to cry for calling his guardians to fulfill his need. Crying is a natural phenomenon to express a variety of feelings for people of all age groups. Crying possesses a lot of medical benefits with so many rumors and myths also. This article will be helpful for readers having questions about crying like
- Can crying make your eyelashes longer?
- Can crying make your eyelashes grow faster?
- What are the benefits of crying on the skin?
- …. And so on
We divided the article into two partition
- Common myths about crying
- Scientifically proven benefits of crying
7 Common Myths About Crying
Myth 1: Crying can make your lashes longer:
Crying has nothing to do with making your eyelashes longer. When you cry, eyelashes become wet and become more straight and prominent. This gives a false opinion about the involvement of crying or shedding tears to make your eyelashes longer.
Myth 2: Crying can make your eyelashes grow faster?
People curiously search this query with great curiosity to know if crying can make your eyelashes grow faster or not. Honestly speaking, crying doesn’t mean performing such a function. The growing of eyelashes depends on a variety of factors such as eye health and genetic inheritance. There is no such scientific evidence that favors the role of crying in making eyelashes grow faster. So definitely it is a myth.
Myth 3: Crying makes your eyesight weak?
The defects in eyesight such as longsightedness and short-sightedness are majorly caused by changes in lens shape. Crying does not play any role in making eyesight weaker. It is true that continuous crying for 2 to 3 hours makes your eyes red and swell but it has no impact on your eyesight. We can confidently claim it as a myth.
Myth 4: Crying declares an individual as emotionally weak:
Crying on various emotional occasions was previously considered a sign of emotional weakness. It is not true because emotionally strong people can also cry at certain emotional events. Crying does not make you emotionally weak every time but allows you to show your emotional response and then feel relaxed.
Myth 5: Crying is a curse:
Crying is indeed a blessing with a lot of benefits. Previously, crying on some happy occasions or events proves to be a curse which is not true. Crying helps you to express the emotions of grief, anger, happiness, and excitement. We can not ruthlessly declare crying as a sign of the curse.
Myth 6: Involuntary crying is a Psychological condition:
Just like laughing, crying can also be involuntary and it doesn’t indicate any psychological problem. There is a possibility that over-sensitive individuals can not control the tears but it is perfectly okay.
Myth 7: Crying can damage your brain
There is no scientific evidence that favors this statement that crying can damage your brain. However, too much stress can cause damage to your brain and leads to psychological disorders but crying does not have any part in the damage of the brain. It’s just a myth.
7 Benefits of Crying
The phenomenon of crying always remains controversial, surrounded by a lot of rumors and myths. Scientifically there are numerous benefits of crying related to eye health and emotional health.
1. Detoxification of the body:
Shedding tears play a significant role in the detoxification of the body. There are three types of tear and each type gives specific benefits of crying
- Reflex tears: These tears come out out of the eye against any reflex such as dust particles or smoke and remove the foreign particles from the eyes
- Continuous tears: The function of continuous tears is to lubricate the eyes and protect them from infection.
- Emotional tears: Emotional tears result as a response of the body to various emotional events and mental states such as stress, grief, happiness, or excitement.
2. Gives you relief from the grief:
The process of grieving is itself a combination of many emotions. Grieving includes sorrow, guilt, anger, and numbness. Crying during grief helps you to overcome this period. Moreover, crying makes you feel lighter and burden-free.
3. Improves emotional health:
Another benefit of crying is to restore your emotional health by maintaining emotional equilibrium. A person may feel more than one emotion at a time and his body responds to it by shedding tears. It helps to create a balance between emotions. Also, the person feels less intensity of emotion after crying.
4. Gives self-soothing effects:
Research by NCBI revealed that crying activates your parasympathetic nervous system (PNS). PNS helps the body rest and digest. Several minutes of shedding tears will help you to feel a soothing effect. The resting phase after continuous bursts of emotion and stress is self-soothing.
5. Makes you feel better:
Crying improves your mood by giving an ease of pain. Sobbing helps to lift your spirit. Sobbing makes you take a quick breath of cool air. This helps you to regulate and lower the temperature of the brain. An episode of sobbing improves your mood and cools your mind.
6. Allow the baby to breath:
The baby’s first cry after birth possesses so much importance and is considered a sign of life. The first cry after birth allows the lungs of the baby to receive oxygen. Crying also helps the babies to eliminate any extra fluid in the lungs, nose, and mouth.
7. Helps a baby to sleep peacefully:
Crying helps the baby to take sound and peaceful sleep. The study also supports the fact that crying before a few minutes of sleep increases sleep length. This study also mentions that crying can reduce the number of times when an infant wakes during the night. This type of crying includes controlled crying that helps the baby to sleep peacefully
Conclusive Thoughts:
A person can fake his smile but not the tears. Crying has a deep connection with emotions. The benefits of crying are clouded with so many rumors and myths without scientific evidence like it is a curse and crying makes you weak. Scientifically there are numerous benefits of crying related to eye health and emotional health. A “good cry” helps you get rid of excessive situations that block your progress and growth.
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