04 Exercises on How to Get an Attractive Body At Home Without Equipment in 21 days [With Videos]
Everyone wants to look attractive and tempting. All of us want a toned and sexy body without putting in any kind of effort. So as a general rule and pressure of our surroundings to look beautiful with the figure is getting more and more day by day. The chubby people have heard every time these kinds of questions and comments based on their body like; why are you not losing weight? Why are you eating too much? Don’t eat! You are not fitting in such dresses! Just look at your thighs and cheeks! Etc etc.

Everything takes time. Nothing is going to happen magically. Believe in yourself, avoid what people say. If you think that you can’t lose weight and get an attractive body at home without equipment then you are mistaken. Lazy people, people having medical issues and people who rely only on junk are facing difficulties to get an attractive body at home without equipment.

Wasting money in gyms and equipment is just a kind of satisfaction if you are not energetic and able to control your desires you can’t get an attractive body. The best equipment you have is in your home which is your own BODY. Utilize your body as equipment that helps to burn calories fast and toned your body to get desirable results soon. Home toning workouts are the best to get an attractive body.

We first need to do warm-up exercises in our body to facilitate further fat-burning processes. You need to warm up for at least 10 mins to start up your home toning workout.
Here is the question arise why warm-up exercises? So basically warm-up exercise is an important part of a home toning workout and even any kind of workout to get a fast heart rate, elevate oxygen uptake, and increase your body temperature which will facilitate the fat-burning processes.
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Following are the warm-up exercises are;
Note: Follow all the warm-up exercises for 30 secs each with 10 secs for transition in between. It will help prepare your body
Front and back circles
- Stand straight
- Extend your legs
- Rotate your arms (one forward and one backward)
- Draw a big circle
Round the world
- Stand straight
- Extend your legs
- Now straight your hands
- Rotate your hands in a circular motion clockwise 15 secs and anticlockwise 15 secs
High knee butt kick
- Stand straight
- Jump with your legs
- Touch knees with hands forward while jumping
- Touch your toes with your hands while jumping
Open chest twist
- Stand straight
- Extend your legs
- Extend both the hands
- Open up your chest
- Touch your right hand to left
- Touch your left hand to the right
Sump shoulder dip
- Extend your legs
- Put both the hands-on knee and bent
- Bent the right shoulder towards the left knee level
- Bent the left shoulder towards the right knee level
- Don’t lose your neck
Kick and circle
- Stand straight
- Extend your legs
- Place both the hands-on backward of the head
- Rotate your right leg then touch the right toe with your left hand
- Rotate your left leg then touch the left toe with your right hand
- The opposite hand will remain on the head
- Follow it for 30 secs left and 30 secs right
Extend and twist
- Make sit position
- Place both the hands-on toes
- Extend your legs while touching the toe
- Come down to the sit position reach your arm up
- Twist your torso as much as possible
Half lunge twist
- Stand straight
- Forward your right leg and bending your left leg and twist towards the right side
- The same goes for the left leg; forward your left leg and bending your right leg and twist towards the left side
Jumping jacks
- Stand straight
- Extend legs
- Extend hands
- Jump and move your hands and legs in and out
- Bent yourself
- Walk your hands forward
- Get down to the floor
- Push your torso up
- You will feel a stretch in your abs
- Then hip up
- Walk your hand back to the feet
Side twist
- Bent on knees
- Place your hand on the floor straightly
- Place the opposite hand on the backside of the head
- Then twist with the help of a hand up and down
- Make the balance with the help opposite hand on the floor
High plank sit back
- Straight your body on the toe
- Hands-on floor
- Come on high plank core and abs tight
- Moving head to knee and vice versa
Lizard lunge reach
- Bent left knee on the floor
- Extend right leg
- Bent your upper body forwardly
- Twist your torso expand your arm up
- Change side after 15 secs
Face up the walk
- Lie down
- Place hand straightly at the backside
- Lift up torso
- Bent knees
- Keep your hip higher throughout the whole exercise
- Move forward and backward with legs
Leg workouts

Leg workouts are important to tone up your thighs, calves and slim your legs. If you want tempting legs then you must try out this leg workout. Do it for 30 secs with 10 secs rest in between.
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Outer leg lift+circle
- Lie on your right side
- Bent your right leg on the floor
- Left leg straight and up and down
- Do leg lift for 15 secs after that shift to leg circle. This will engage your rights and produce a slow burn.
- Follow this for the opposite side as well
Ballet lift
- Lie on your right side
- The right leg will remain on the floor
- Extend your left leg and do up and down motion in a much bigger movement
- Raise it high as you can
- Follow this for the opposite side as well
Bottom leg lift
- Lie on your right side
- Support your torso up by the right elbow
- Right leg straight on the floor
- Cross left leg over planting it in front working your inner right side to lift right leg up and down
- You will feel a real burn
- Follow this for the opposite side as well
Glute bridge hold
- Lie on your back
- Kness bent
- Lift your hips up and hold
- Squeeze your booty hard and lift it as high as possible
- Forming one straight line from knees, hips to shoulder
Donkey pulses
- Get into all fours
- Extend your right leg through the back
- Lift it off the floor
- Squeeze your booty to raise your right leg up and down
- Keep it straight for the whole time
- Focus on using your whole leg for each lift instead of swinging with your lower back
- Follow it for the opposite side as well
Squat+front lunge
- Stand straight
- Hands in front
- Extend your legs
- Chest up
- Squat down by sending your foot back until the thighs are parallel to the floor
- Come up and step 1 leg to the front into a lunge position
- Make 90-degree angle
- Step back and sink into squat and lunge with the other side
- Hold your fist off your chest
- Lift and kick one leg as hard as you can
In+out squat
- Stand straight with feet together
- Sit your butt back into your squat
- Come up step one leg out
- This is alternate between in and out squat
- Each squat is lower outside until it is parallel to the floor
Reverse lunge pulses + knee raise
- Keep your hands in front
- Take a big step back into a reverse lunge
- Do 2 pulses
- Try to fat like upwards into a knee raise
- Touching your hands
- Do it for 15 secs and then switch sides
- The key here is to maintain your balance
Sumo squats pulses
- wide your feets
- Chest up
- Squats out until side to parallel to the floor
- Start pulsing up and down without standing back
Sumo squat hold
- Get into sumo squats
- But this time we are not pulsing
- Just hold it for 30 secs
- The burn is insane
Abs workout

These exercises will work every part f the belly area. It will be an intense workout but if you want a small waist and curve in your belly then you must follow these abs workout. Do this abs workout every 45 secs.
Video reference
Ab bike
- Lie down on the floor
- Crunch your abs to bring your opposite elbow and knee together
- Do it alternately
- Suck in your belly to press your back flat on the floor
Crunch kick
- Sit in a V position with only your hip on the floor
- Extend your legs lower to the ground as you lean backward
- Holding your knees tight
- Bring your knees close to your chest again in a narrow V
- Lie down on the floor
- Crunch your abs to curl up as high as possible
- Hold it for few seconds as you squeezing your abs hard
- Lower down and repeat
- Maintain slow and control
Round plank climber and steps
- Suck in your belly into round plank
- Crunch your abs as you bring one knee in towards your chest for the climber
- Follow it by stepping your feet out one at a time
- Keep your core tight throughout the exercise
- Lie down on the floor
- Abs tight
- Bring your legs straight together from one side to another
- Drawing a big rainbow
Straight leg chop
- Lie flat on the ground
- Hands above your head
- Crunch your abs to lift your whole upper torso to setting with a twist
- Tapping your hands to the side next to your legs alternately
Crunch kick up and down
- Lie on the floor with hips
- Hands below your hips
- Lift your legs up and down
- Crunch the abs tightly
Plank circle
- Get into a high plank with help of hands
- Legs are extended
- Being your knee towards your chest
- Join a circle as you squeeze and crunch your abs
- Repeat right side for 22 secs and switch to another leg
Hollow leg drop
- Lie down on the floor
- Suck in your belly
- Press your back on the floor
- Shoulders off the ground
- Legs up towards the sky
- Lower one leg at a time
Reverse angle
- Lie down on the floor
- Work your abs to lift your legs and hip up towards the sky
- One leg bent and one leg straight
- Hold it for a sec
- Do it alternately
- This is the last exercise and effective abs workout to small your waist
Arms, back, and chest workout

This is an ultimate upper body workout without any equipment to slim up your back, arms, and chest. If you are ready for the arms, back, and chest workout then let’s go. Do all the exercises for 30 secs.
Video reference
Chest fly
- Lean down
- Open your chest while squeezing your back for each rep
High plank walk
- Come to higher plank position
- Head to heal in one straight line
- Tight your core
- Walk your hands forward as far out as possible
- Back to the starting position.
Back squeeze
- Lie down on prone position on the floor
- Foot off the floor
- Pull your elbow backward
- Lift your torso up as high as you can
- Squeeze your shoulder hard
Wide knee push up
- Lie down in the prone position
- Hands wide apart
- Tight your abs
- Bend your elbows at least 90-degree angle
- Head to the knee is in one straight line
- The hip is not popping out
Back lift
- Same as back squeeze
- Legs off the ground
- Squeeze your back
- Lift your torso up as high as possible for each rep
Plank rotation shoulder tap
- Come to high plank position
- Rotate to side plank
- Return to high plank
- Tap your opposite shoulder
- Tight your abs
- Switch arms after 15 secs
Back circle (swimming like)
- Lift your legs
- Squeeze your back and shoulder
- Brig your arm backward to draw the circle
Wide arm plank
- Hands wide apart
- Fingers pointing outward
- Tight your abs and core
- Hold it
Superman hold
- Lift arms and legs off the ground
- Lift as high as possible
- Feel the burn in your back
- Try to hold it for 30 secs
The single-leg push up
- Hands and shoulder-width apart
- One leg off the ground
- Lower your torso by bending your elbows at least 90 degree
- Switch legs after 15 secs
Chest and back squeeze
- Down on your knees
- Extend your arms forward
- Squeeze your back when you bring your arms back
Chest fly 3 ways
- Down on your knees
- Open up your chest
- Squeeze your back
When it comes to losing weight at home exercises without any equipment we know it sounds something surprising like how can we transform our bodies at home. Don’t worry we have mentioned all the workouts like legs workout, abs workout, warm-up workout, and arms, shoulder, and chest workout. Just stay motivated all the time, everything takes time! Don’t lose hope and your confidence. We are sure one day you will fit in your desire outfit. Follow these home toning workouts daily to get results in just 20 days.
For more workouts visit