So, what is non-homogenized milk? Nowadays, most milk that consumers purchase has a smooth appearance, color, and creaminess.
It is homogenous, in other terms. This wasn’t always the case, though. Whole milk was typically served with a layer of cream on top throughout the early 20th century.
This is due to the fact that a cow produces milk that primarily consists of non-fat milk and cream.
The nonfat milk will naturally settle to the bottom, and the cream will automatically float to the top if left to its own devices.
What is Meant By Homogenization?
The two distinct parts of whole fresh milk—cream and low-fat milk—are combined mechanically by homogenization to create a single, frothy beverage.
To achieve this, fresh milk is heated and pumped at high pressure through small nozzles.
The cream’s fat globules are broken up into tiny pieces by the pressure and then uniformly distributed throughout the low-fat milk.
Even though milk that has been homogenized is very prone to rancidity, pasteurization keeps it from going bad.
The lack of the primary indicator of high-quality milk—a thick layer of cream on top—meant that people refused to purchase homogenized milk when it was first introduced in the early 20th century.
According to one historian, it wasn’t until after World War II, when opaque milk cartons entered the market (and home delivery of glass bottles decreased) that homogenized milk started to take over as the primary type of milk drank in the U.S.
Therefore, neither customer demand nor health issues were the driving forces behind the switch to homogenized milk. Instead, economic factors were crucial.
Whole milk had a random cream content ranging from 3% to 8% or more before homogenizing.
However, the introduction of homogenization led to a definition of whole milk that set the minimum cream percentage at 3.25% (which quickly became the standard cream level).
This made it possible for milk processors to incorporate the “excess” cream into other goods like butter.

So, what is non-homogenized milk?
Most of us were raised on homogenized milk, so we might not know what to anticipate when we purchase our first bottle of non-homogenized milk.
Fresh non-homogenized milk separates into a thick, dense layer of low-fat milk and a considerably thinner, lighter layer of high-fat cream after sitting for 12 to 24 hours.
The cream thickens over time and may almost solidify as a cream “plug” after a few days. This occurs frequently in unhomogenized milk.
The plug falls out of the bottle when you shake it, but many people prefer to spoon it out for their coffee or to sprinkle it on their cereal as a special treat.
Because the entire cream has a silky quality that is lost when the fat globules are split apart, non-homogenized milk naturally tastes sweeter than homogenized milk.
Due to the fact that we never completely remove the cream during our skimming procedure, even the 2% and fat-free varieties have a stronger flavor.
Non-homogenized dairy products should be used to prepare the best cheese, yogurt, ice cream, whipped cream, and other dairy-based delicacies at home or upscale restaurants, according to professional and amateur chefs.
What does it taste like?
It should be pretty clear given that it is preferably being used in dairy-based delicacies, ice cream, and whipped cream, it is generally sweeter.
Due to the silky smoothness of the entire cream, which is lost when the fat globules are broken apart, non-homogenized milk has a naturally sweeter flavor than homogenized milk. The flavor is also richer!
Why You Should Have Non-Homogenized Milk?
Xanthine oxidase is a large-molecular-size enzyme found in cow’s milk (XO). XO is typically bound to milk’s fat globules.
The gut wall cannot readily absorb these fat globules when they are in their normal large state before homogenization.
Following homogenization, the linked XO has considerably easier access to the bloodstream, and the milk fat is readily absorbed.
According to some researchers, XO, once it enters the bloodstream, directly encourages the hardening of the arteries by taking the place of a component called plasmalogen that is typically present there.
Although the evidence for this link between XO and artery hardening is inconclusive, a clear cause-and-effect relationship between the two shouldn’t be a crucial consideration when determining whether to drink milk.
Another potential link between milk and sickness and early mortality is the one between XO and heart disease.
Hence, compared to non-homogenized milk, homogenized milk has reduced particle size.
Because of this, during digestion, the minute particles are directly absorbed by the circulation, harming your health.
Additionally, homogenized milk has been linked to both cancer and heart disease.
The fat in milk is broken down into tiny particles during homogenization, and so important vitamins such as Vitamin D and A are likewise broken down into microscopic particles.
As a result of lowering such nutrient particle sizes, milk’s nutritional value is diminished.
The Effect of Homogenized and Non-Homogenized Milk on Lactose-Intolerant People
If you find milk difficult to digest, it could be the method the milk is processed rather than the milk itself.
Since the fat is broken down, the nutrients bypass the digestive system and enter the bloodstream directly.
For those who are lactose intolerant, this means that their immune systems attack casein and whey, two kinds of undigested proteins.
Antibodies are launched to attack, which causes the bloodstream to release certain substances like histamine.
This leads to a variety of issues, including headaches, bloating, stomach aches, and shortness of breath.
Since the fat globules are not broken down, non-homogenized milk may be the solution for certain individuals.
Look for non-pasteurized, non-homogenized milk if you’re ready to give it a try. We can’t speak for everyone who is lactose intolerant, though.
Non-homogenized milk is a truer form of milk than the form of milk readily available in markets around the world. It has its fair share of benefits as well as its disadvantages.
Hence, before opting to buy it or shifting to consuming it, make sure to do your research and make an informed decision.
Want to know more about which milk is the healthiest? Don’t forget to check out this article.