Does Senna Makki treat and prevent Covid-19? Myths, uses, benefits and side effects of Senna leaves

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We all are aware of the fact that the whole world is suffering from Covid-19 pandemic. For past 4 to 5 months most countries have lockdowns. Scientists have discovered the medical treatment for novel coronavirus, COVID-19,  which is passive immunization and immunoglobulin antibodies treatment. Now we all have heard the name of Senna Makki. I understand there are a lot of questions in your mind like what is Senna Makki? How it’s beneficial for coronavirus? So don’t worry we are here to fix your all confusions. 

Due to this name and the rumors of this herb you all are confused about what to do? Some people confess that it is the herbal treatment for coronavirus, while some doctors say that it is not good for your digestive system. People believe that this herb is the cure for the victims of coronavirus. Let’s learn complete and essential awareness in the light of researches.

What is Senna Makki?

The senna plant is a tiny plant relating to the Caesalpiniaceae family. Unexpectedly, the senna refers to two classes of Cassia- C. The leaves and the fruit of the shrub are utilized to get medicine. It is a herb. Senna is also known as Alexandrina Senna. Angustifolia is also described as the Tinnevelly Senna. 

History of Senna Makki herb

In Asia, these herbs are found in a temperate region of India and China. We get this herb from Egypt because it has been a Tradeport in the past. It is also known as Alexandrian Senna” and “Egyptian Senna” in Egypt. The plant originated its title from the Arabic Senna and from the Hebrew word cassia, which indicates “uncovered,”. It was initially practiced in the 9th century AD. These concentrates are prepared as liquids, powders, and tablets in over-the-counter laxatives. Leaves were formed into a tea and conducted as a powerful medicine because it is usually challenging to restrain the concentration of the effective ingredients in the tea.

Uses of Senna Makki

Senna tea is a popular herbal remedy that is known for a laxative, weight loss aid, and detox method. However, there’s little scientific evidence to confirm the potency of senna tea for most maximum of these uses:

  • Modern medicine has used extracts as a laxative.
  • It has been used to destroy worms and parasites from the intestinal tract.
  • Leaf paste cures skin diseases.
  • Leaf tea is worked as a laxative.
  • It is used as an expectorant, antidysenteric and carminative
  • Useful in treatment of splenomegaly, malaria, jaundice, and anemia.
  • It provokes the bowel to exclude constipation.
  • It develops skin diseases such as pimples, acne

Benefits of Senna Makki leaves

Although the herb is beneficial and less expensive but effective for any specific area, this Senna Makki leaves are beneficial for the overall body. It has fewer side effects. The pharmaceutical medicines and exposure to radiation may harm your body and skin as well so don’t you think it is a good idea to use Senna Makki for your overall body. You can easily buy this from any store near your home.

And due to the hype that it treats coronavirus, it is available everywhere. Here are some health benefits of Senna Makki leaves. 

Boosts immunity

Your immune system runs 24/7, whether it provides you strength from the Coronavirus, a common cold, or any other viral or bacterial disease. The immune system is a complex system of microorganisms, tissues, and organs that is the guard of your body to shield your body toward outside intruders like germs, viruses, and bacteria. Senna leaves provide benefits to the skin diseases like psoriasis, acne, eczema, and pimples. Methanolic, ethanolic, and petroleum ether infusions of Senna leaves were selected for phytochemicals, antibacterial and antifungal activities

Helps in losing weight

Drinking more fluids induces you to consume more. Senna Makki leaves are beneficial for weight loss. Many herbs have been revealed to resist cravings and boost fat burning and weight loss. Senna leaves help in the removal of contagions and undigested food in the large intestine. When you start your weight loss journey first you have to control your food portions and eat a high fiber diet which reduces the risk of constipation.   

Heals Skin conditions

Skin disorders alter exceedingly in symptoms and severity. Skin diseases can be temporary or permanent and may be painless or painful. Senna includes essential oils resin and tannin that helps to reduce skin inflammation. All you have to do is make a paste of Senna leaves and apply on the infected area to heal like burns, ringworms, wounds. Some have situational conditions, while others may be genetic. Some skin conditions seem to be minor and others can be life-threatening. If Senna leaves make your skin burn or any redness occurs for the first time do consult your doctor immediately. 

Treats Constipation

It means bowel actions are often tough than normal. Almost everyone suffers through it at some point. Although it’s not usually serious, you’ll feel much better when your body is back on track. Eating senna leaf or drinking senna leaf tea will force your bowel actions. Leaf makes the bars of the large intestine to close, which will accelerate stools by your system in 10 to 12 hours. It is good for women who are menstruating, nursing, or pregnant.

Effective for Hemorrhoids

A stretched (enlarged) vein in the walls of the anus and sometimes throughout the rectum, normally induced by untreated constipation but occasionally associated with chronic diarrhea. Senna receives specific elements known as Sennocides (Senna glycoside) that act on the lining of the bowel causing a laxative effect. Senna has been discovered to be efficient in the therapy of anal lacerations and hemorrhoids as it supports decrease inflammation and promote expeditious healing. Since it produces the soft stools that can reduce the risk of anal fissure.

Strengthens Hair

Everybody requires hair that’re healthy, shiny, and easy to manage. But it can be a big challenge. Most of us have to deal with some kind of hair problem. Don’t worry, Senna leaves help you get your desired hair. All you need to have is senna powder with water and yogurt or you can add some herbal oils and citrus fruits, etc. Apply it on your hair. Leave the paste to penetrate within the scalp. Cover your head with a plastic bag and wait till it dries. Wash off after a few hours.

Helps in Indigestion

It can be pain or distress in your upper abdomen (dyspepsia) or throbbing discomfort behind the breastbone (heartburn). Senna gives relief from these conditions. Senna, when used with odorous herbs like cardamom, fennel, ginger, and peppermint, serves to reduce the development of gas in the stomach through its strong purgative actions.

Cleans colon

The colon is also known as the large bowel or large intestine. Senna leaf is applied in old Chinese herb to clean away the heat collected in the large intestine. It helps the body get relieved of the food accumulated in the stomach. Nowadays it is extensively used in cleaning the colon before colonoscopy or colon surgeries.

Ayurvedic health benefits of Senna leaves

Cures bloody stools

Conditions of blood in the stool from harmless, irritating health conditions of the gastrointestinal tract such as hemorrhoids and anal tears (anal fissures) from striving upon hard stools including constipation to severe states such as cancer. Prepare an infusion of Ginger and Senna powder. Have it at bedtime. 

Stops bad breath

Bad breathing, medically called halitosis, can occur from bad dental health practices. It may be a warning of other health conditions. Bad breath can also be caused more acute by the types of meals you intake. All you have to do is put Soak Senna leaves in the boiling water for 5 minutes. Chill this decoction and take it 3-4 times a day.

Relieves stomach pain

Abdominal pain is discomfort that happens between the thorax and pelvic areas. Abdominal pain can be crampy, achy, dull, shifting, or acute. Swelling or disorders that influence the organs in the abdomen can produce abdominal pain. To lessen the cramping impact and abdominal pains. You should do a little quantity of senna and combine it with different comforting herbs like fennel, orange peel, cinnamon, coriander, or ginger.

Chronic Constipation

Chronic constipation is a difficult way of stools that continue for several weeks or more extended periods. All you need to do is take one tbsp of aniseed and Senna. Heat in one cup of water for 15-20 minutes. Add jaggery. You can also use this by taking one tsp of Senna and one tbsp of tamarind pulp. Soak overnight. Add one tbsp of gulkand by placing it in a strong lid box for 3-4 days. Have it in the morning.  

Side effects of Senna leaves

Senna leaves can produce mild abdominal pain including colic cramps. Prolonged use of senna products can begin to severe diarrhea that results in loss of electrolytes producing dizziness, giddiness, and laziness. If left untreated due to loss of electrolytes particularly potassium may occur in cardiac problems and muscular weakness. Extreme usage of Senna has been reported to develop decreased antiserum globulin consistency. In worse cases, it causes the development of cachexia and clubbing of the fingers.

Myths about Senna leaves

Sana Makki or Senna leaves are common herbs just like any other herb. It has been here for more than centuries but just got noticed because it was said that it has the ability to cure or prevent COVID-19. Research has proven that a weak gut begins to critical diseases. The only way to counter COVID-19 is following SOP’S. If you need to prepare your body in the case to limit the virus you should use immunity-boosting herbs along with vitamin C and D enriched foods. It’s also important to take multivitamins regularly.

How to make Senna Makki tea?

Senna makki tea can simply be made at home and needs only a little amount of senna leaves for its preparation. You can grow your personal senna shrub, as it is much more easy to reach the leaf to make this tea once the leaves are harvested and dried.


To prepare Senna makki tea, you will need:

  • 1/4 spoon of dry senna leaves
  • 2 cups of water 
  • 1/2 teaspoon of honey or sugar to add a sweet taste


Senna tea is generally considered safe for most adults and children above age 12. Nonetheless, it comes with several risks and side effects. Senna leaves and pods have been shown to have laxative activity. Here are some precautions of Senna leaves:

  • Unintentionally ingested by children, it can produce side effects like severe diaper redness.
  • Prolonged use may cause stomach ache, diarrhea, cramps, and burping.
  • It may cause vomiting.
  • Abnormal color of urine accompanied by blood. 
  • Cause an increase of protein in the urine.
  • Pregnant, breastfeeding, and menstruating women should avoid using this herb.
  • Patients with inflammatory bowel disease, intestinal ulcers, and undiagnosed stomach pain must avoid using this.
  • Excess consumption of senna tea can be poisonous to your liver.
  • If you suffer from appendicitis or inflammatory intestinal disorders, such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, then senna tea is not recommended for you.
  • Senna is not recommended for children younger than 2 years of age.
  • Long term use of these herbs starts to stain of the large intestine. 
  • It may produce a lack of potassium in the blood.
  • Herb may minimize the skeleton system which also leads to Arthritis.
  • Skin Allergies and rashes. 

Recommended dosage

The herb or its extract may be used in several forms like capsules, tablets, decoction, as well as tea. A number of people take capsules and tablets prepared from the senna extract to alleviate constipation. One should consult a physician for necessary actions.

  • The children above the age of six years may be administered half the adult dose
  • The dose for the adults is 10 mg to 60 mg of senna daily for 10 days

Before you leave! 

There is no confirmed information on whether the Senna Makki leaves treats COVID-19 or not. The patients recovered are due to good health, a strong immune system, and a good diet and probably not because of Sanna Makki. These crops usually are abundant sources of sennosides, glycosides, and other nutrients. It can give a solution to the difficulty of malnutrition and other diseases to a great extent. It is good to take ginger tea instead of taking Senna Makki tea for boosting your immune system.