Sleep is a standard everyday reversible phenomenon, and there is no perfect reliable definition to describe sleep.
Still, it is described by the divergence of observations that gratify different behavioral, sensory, motor, and physiological criteria, and if any one of them is absent that it might be because of sleepwalking.
Sleep usually needs the relaxation of muscles and the absence of goal behavior, which the walking person is able to do. The posture of sleep in human beings is so many, but in animals, they sleep at horizontal repose.
Sleeping Cycle:
Sleep is regulated and balanced by two processes, the homeostatic and the circadian process. These two processes help to determine the facets of sleep and its related issues (such as sleepiness), and these processes work as independently.
1.Sleep homeostatic process:
The sleep homeostatic process helps to maintain and balance the physiologic fluctuating constant, and this process is influenced by the variation of wakefulness. This process needs pressure, intensity, duration, and sleep recovery to complete its process.
2.Circadian sleep cycle:
The circadian cycle is the natural cycle, and it is the internal process that regulates the sleep and wake cycle after every 24hours. This cycle gives the response to light and darkness of the environment. Properly sleeping at night and waking in the morning is the best example of this cycle.
What is meant by irregular sleep patterns?
Irregular sleep and wake are some of the disorders of circadian sleep rhythm. An individual with this irregular sleep pattern mostly seems out of calibration, and they usually do not follow the normal sleep time at night. People with this disorder not following the series of 24hours sleep cycle. That’s why the sleeping pattern is smashed into pieces.
At day time, they experience dozing because of irregular sleep time, while at night, they experience insomnia (inability to sleep) because they awake after a long time period, and there is no main sleep.
Can you die from an irregular sleeping pattern?
Yes, it is possible irregular sleeping patterns and sleeps deviation might be killing you because when you are sleeping the body undergoes in hormone changes process, and cortisol and TSH levels are increases that lead to a high level of blood pressure, and unfortunately, it stops metabolizing process of carbohydrates and glucose and creating intake of fats craving, and the body temperature suddenly drops due to immunosuppressed.
This effect of dropping body temperature starts within the first 24 hours of lacking sleep. According to 1980s pieces of research, a researcher who is named Allan Rechtschaffen conducted the experiment on rats and he clarifies, that after 30-32 days of sleep deprivation or irregular pattern of sleep all rats are dead, even though some researchers are not satisfied with this cause of death and they suggested that rats are dead due to drop of body temperature.
Risk Factors for Irregular sleep patterns
1. Sleepiness Causes Accidents:
Lack of sleep or irregular bedtime is the main factor of the biggest calamity in recent history, and loss of sleep is also a public safety hazard every day on the road.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration evaluates that tiredness is a cause of thousands of auto crashes and also crash-related deaths. This sleepiness problem is greatest among under 25 years old people.
Previous studies show poor quality of sleep leads to accidents and injuries.
2. Sleep Loss Dumb You Down:
Sleep plays a critical role and distracts the ability of thinking and learning. Lacking sleep hurts the cognitive processes in many ways; it reduces the attention, concentration, alertness, reasoning, and problem-solving ability and also makes dumb you down.
At night, sleep cycles play a role in “consolidating” remembrance in the mind because if you don’t get proper sleep, you won’t be able to remember what you learned and experienced during the entire day.
3. Irregular bedtime Kills Sex Drive:
Sleep-deprived men and women experienced lower libidos (loss of energy of sexual derive) and less interest in sex.
Irregular bedtime diminished energy, sleepiness, and increased anxiety. In men, with irregular bedtime experience respiratory problems that distract the sleep having another factor in the sexual slump because they have low testosterone levels due to lack of sleep.
4. Irregular Bedtime Ages Your Skin:
Irregular bedtime and missed sleep at night also have a risk factor of ages your skin and most people experienced puffy eyes and pale skin due to irregular sleep patterns and by the passage of time, it turns into server conditions such as lackluster skin, dark circles, fine lines, and wrinkles on your skin because if you are not getting the proper time of sleep your body releasing the hormone named as cortisol which is responsible for stress and anxiety and this high amount of cortisol damage your skin and also skin collagen which help to smooth the skin.

5. Make You Gaining Weight:
Irregular bedtime is also responsible for gaining bodyweight. It may be that if you doze, you lose. According to a previous study of 2014, the people who have irregular bedtime and less than 8 hours of sleep are more likely obese as compared to those who have getting proper sleep. Irregular bedtime also increases food craving which is responsible for high-fat consumption in food
6. Impairs Judgment:
Irregular bedtime sleep can also affect our interpretation of events, and it may hurt the ability to make judgments of sounds because of lacking sleep. You are not able to assess the situations perfectly and also didn’t act on them wisely, and they experienced poor judgment. According to sleep specialists, the person who has a lack of sleep adapted sleep deviation problem.
7. Irregular bedtime Lead to Serious Health Problems-
Irregular bedtime leads the serious type of health issues and these irregular issues may be put you at high risk of heart problems,
- Heart diseases
- Heart attack
- Irregular heartbeat
- High blood pressure
- Heart failure
It is observed that people with heart issues due to irregular sleep patterns have a weak body clock and they also experienced neurological problems, like
- Dementia
- Brain damage
- Mental disability
What happens with your brain due to lacking sleep?
After irregular sleeping patterns or waking up the whole night, your brain cells are active and feel depressed too, and they also become tired. You may experience the habit of forgetting, and your mind continuously distracting you.
Previous research suggested that lacking sleep and irregular sleeping patterns badly affect your brain cells to communicate and transmit signals easily, and it also leads to mental lapses that impact your visual perceptions and memory.
To identify more clues of mental health disturbance due to irregular sleeping patterns researchers look after a few patients with epilepsy who have electrodes implanted into their brains these electrodes help the researchers to monitor the brain cell, and they stay up these patients for entire of the night to measures the activity of the brain.
And they also have given them a certain type of task (such as they asked the patients to categorize the faces, places, and animals) to check the electrical activity of the brain, and they evaluate misperceptions of visualizations and ability of learning, and they found that patients are tired and its become more difficult to categorize the images.
What quality of sleep do you need?
The time whenever you go to your bed is most important to get a proper amount of sleep and for approving the quality of your sleep. Every person needs 8-10 hours of sleep to get fresh and relaxed; here are a few tips to getting quality of sleep.
- Select a bedtime that works for your plans or schedule and allows at least 8-10 hours of sleep before you wanted waking time.
- You must keep the same bedtime and waking time even on weekends, outings, and holidays.
- You should fall asleep within 10-15 minutes after lying down.
- You may also maintain a sleep diary so you can easily see what sleep patterns and times work best for you.
- Take a melatonin supplement (synthetic supplements to promote quality of sleep or restful sleep) before going to bed (if you find any difficulty or struggle to adjust your new sleep time).
- After setting a bedtime, you should set a time before going to bed, turn off your electronic devices and keep away, which can interfere with or distract your sleep.
- You should stick to your sleep schedule as much as possible, even if it is enticing to stay up late.
- A regular sleep schedule with regular bedtime is important to the health of children as well as adults. Improper sleep and irregular bedtime badly affect your mental health and physical health.
- You Should not intake caffeine at a sleeping time because it reduces the ability to sleep.
- You should not do any exercise or smoke during sleeping time.
- You should make your bedroom environment more comfortable to sleep properly.
- Do not watch TV, use the computer or any devices.
As we all know whenever we have a proper sleep, we feel so comfortable with a positive golden mood and we focused on our work more efficiently and get rid of stress, while when we are lacking or have irregular sleeping patterns, multiple functions are disturbed and we have on high risk of health-related issues, and we feel more irritable, agitated, annoying, and also experiencing food craving or rarely appetite.
The most annoying problem of irregular sleeping patterns is insomnia (inability to sleep) which disturbs the sleeping cycle. You should get quality sleep to make yourself healthier and try to sleep within 15-20 minutes after lying down on your bed.
Anxiety or stress is part of our life, but you should try to keep away this anxiety whenever you are trying to sleep because anxiety is the strongest factor that disturbs your sleeping pattern, and the effective treatment to treat insomnia and irregular sleeping pattern is Cognitive Behavioural Sleep Pattern.