Everybody is aware of this beneficial herb and if not then you will be after reading this article in which I will tell you what turmeric is and its benefits, medically and generally, how it helps with the home remedies and how it detoxifies the problems and does magic inside our body.
Turmeric is a plant having a Scientific name ‘CURCUMA LONGA’ belonging to the Ginger family, ‘ZINGIBERACEAE’. It is grown throughout Asia and different parts of Central America.
Turmeric is a spice that comes from the root of this plant. It is commonly used as a spice, especially in Asian countries. It is one of the most important spices in curry and other dishes.
It has a bitter and warm taste. It is usually used as a color in dishes or different things like cheese, mustard butter, and multiple powders.
The main ingredient of turmeric is CURCUMIN and it does contain compounds known as ‘CURCUMINOIDS’.
Curcumin is the main ingredient of turmeric and actually a band-aid for our body. It is medically very beneficial for its anti-inflammatory properties. Which leads to lower the risk of heart disease. Not just heart diseases but curcumin also boosts our brain, its memory and improves our brain function, and reduces risks of brain disorders.
Curcumin herbs are known to fight cancer cells. They are also used for the relief of pain such as joint pain. It also helps in treating Arthritis. They also provide help in reducing excessive fat in your body. Curcumin or turmeric is that ingredient that fulfills the body’s needs for vitamins and minerals. Curcumin herbs keep our immune system good as well as our body in shape. It neutralizes free radicals and blocks them directly with its antioxidant property.
In the past, it was used in making medicines.
Let’s come to turmeric again and talk about its medical benefits.
- Turmeric contains bioactive compounds with medicinal properties.
- It also works as an antioxidant for the body.
- Turmeric helps in the progression of cancer.
- Turmeric helps in reducing Alzheimer’s disease.
- Turmeric helps in recovering from renal diseases like CKD (chronic kidney disease).
- It helps in reducing the chance of age-related diseases and also works for anti-aging.
- It helps in fighting depression.
- It boosts neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin.
- It also helps in improving digestion.
- Turmeric is fat-soluble so it helps in weight loss.
- Not just this but it also improves our skin health, detoxifies it, and makes it clear and cleanses the harmful agents.
- Turmeric helps in wound healing too.
- It detoxifies our liver which ensures the flow of bile duct. It works as a liver cleanser. It controls the changing of alcohol particles into harmful substances that protect the liver from injury.
- Turmeric is one of the most essential and effective nutritional supplements existing.
- Turmeric stabilizes our sugar levels in bloodstreams. It is used for the prevention of type 2 diabetes.
- Turmeric controls high levels of cholesterol which could result in heart failure.
Turmeric tea is also called “GOLDEN TEA”.
Turmeric tea can protect us from viral and seasonal flu. It can fight viruses like herpes and influenza. It boosts our immune system and helps us to fight against foreign bodies which can harm us. Turmeric tea also stabilizes irritation in the bowel area and can manage bowel syndrome. It prevents Alzheimer’s diseases. It also relieves joint and bone pain as well as osteoarthritis. It treats arthritis because of its strong anti-inflammatory properties.
Turmeric tea with lemon and honey is super healthy and beneficial because of its strong anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and cancer reduction properties which help in boosting our immunity and cleansing our blood and improving our brain functions.
Turmeric contains 3% of curcumin which can not be easily absorbed in the blood. Turmeric supplements are bounded by many bioactive compounds with curcumin which helps in fast absorption of curcumin and effective results.
Turmeric supplements also help in various diseases like :
- Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
- Menstrual cramps
- Maintaining brain health
- Fatigue and soreness
- Joint pain and arthritis
- Alzheimer’s disease
- High cholesterol level
- Heart diseases
- Depression
- Boosts digestion
- Asthma
- Anti-allergic
- Improves immunity
- Promotes mood balance
- Weight loss
One of the famous turmeric supplements is “CURCUMIN 2000” which is rated as #1 anti-inflammatory supplement in the United States. It provides health benefits to all age groups from young to old with 100% guaranteed results. This supplement is 100% natural and chemical-free. It contains Bioperine which is taken from black pepper which helps in fast absorption in the bloodstream.
Turmeric with milk can help us naturally without biologic compounds. This remedy is commonly used in various places. Add 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder with hot milk. It helps in:
- Treats respiratory illness
- It works as a natural “aspirin”, which reduces headaches, swelling, aches, and pain.
- It strengthens the joints, bone, and spine.
- It is an excellent purifier and cleanser of blood.
- It is used to fight cold and cough.
- It helps in reducing weight.
- It improves digestion.
- It protects our brain activity.
- It maintains heart health.
- It detoxifies our liver to decrease liver inflammation.
- It improves menstrual pain and female reproductive health.
- It also nourishes skin health.
- It helps in relieving menstrual pain and cramps and reduces anxiety.
- It also helps in treating insomnia and providing peaceful sleep.
In some places, turmeric oil is also used. It is used for massage purposes. People used to massage this oil on areas of pain and painful joints. It helps in reducing signs of aging and massaging on the face helps in reducing aging factors and cleanses and clarifies the skin from acne and marks but as it is concentrated so it should be diluted before applying to the face directly. It also helps in decreasing depression and anxiety while massaging on the forehead or scalp. It is also used in treating hairs and scalp problems. It reduces dandruff and hair loss factors. It strengthens the roots of the hair and makes them strong. Because of its healing properties, turmeric oil is used in healing cracked heels. It also helps in relieving swelling and inflammation from affected areas with a massage.
Turmeric essential oil is basically antiseptic and antibacterial. Due to these properties, it is helpful for applying on minor cuts, bruises, and burns, it also helps in relieving pain.
It is confusing how much turmeric we should use for availing the above benefits. So here’s about the usage of turmeric.
But before the usage of any such ingredient on your own you should first tell and ask your doctor about it and get the concern. And excessive use could be dangerous.
Many effective studies done for this concern indicate that having 500 to 2000 mg of turmeric extract with curcumin concentration is beneficial for use.
In many Asian diets, it contains 2000 to 2500 mg of turmeric which has only 60-100 mg of curcumin. But there is no official statement for turmeric dosages. Still, it is not recommended for long-term usage.
According to WHO, 1.4mg per pound or 0-3mg/kg can be consumed on a daily basis.
However, everything should be used with caution. There are several events in which we can not take turmeric are :
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding
- Bleeding disorders
- Kidney stones
- Gallbladder diseases
- When you’re on blood thinners or diabetes medications
- Iron deficiency
- Early-stage diabetes as it will drop blood sugar levels too low.
It is important to use turmeric under proper guidance and do not use either supplement or powder if on medications.